1,017 research outputs found

    Identification of homogeneous rainfall regions in New South Wales, Australia

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    Identifying homogeneous regions based on spatial variables is vital for providing a certain and fixed region’s spatial and temporal behavior. However, a significant problem of non-separation rises when the geographic coordinates are utilized for clustering, just because the Euclidean distance is not suitable for clustering when considering the geographic coordinates. Therefore, this study focuses on employing such methods where the non-separation is minimum for identifying homogenous regions. The average annual rainfall data of 226 meteorological monitoring stations for 1911–2018 of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, was considered for the current study. The data is standardized with zero mean and unit variance to remove the effect of different measurement scales. The geographical coordinates are then converted to rectangular coordinates by the Lambert projection method. Using the Partition Around Medoid (PAM) algorithm, also known as the kmedoid algorithm (which minimizes the sum of dissimilarities instead of the sum of squares of Euclidean distances) on rectangular Lambert projected coordinates, 10 well-separated clusters are obtained. The Mean Squared Prediction Error (MSPE) is comparatively smaller if the prediction of unobserved locations in cluster 3 is made. However, this error increases if the prediction is made for a complete monitoring network. The identified 10 homogeneous regions or clusters provide a good separation when the lambert coordinates are used instead of geographical coordinates

    Path Loss Modeling of WLAN and WiMAX Systems

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    With the advancement in technology, there was need for efficient and high speed internet through which we could have access to multiple networks as per the user requirement. WLAN met this need to some extent but, due to its low range it was not recommended commercially. With the introduction of WiMAX there was an emerging need to select the best network amongst WiMAX or WLAN depending upon the user location. Pathloss with respect to these particular networks also needs to be compared. In this paper we compare the pathloss modelling for WiMAX and WLAN systems. Different Models have been compared with each other to know which model performs better by keeping same simulation environment. Path Loss models used for WLAN are Okumura, Hata, Cost-231 and Free Space Path Loss whereas models used for WiMAX are Free Space Path Loss, Okumura-Hata, Cost231-Hata and Stanford University Interim. In case of WiMAX three different scenarios Urban, Sub-Urban and Rural is considered where as in case of WLAN only outdoor environment is considered. With the Path Loss comparison, power received for these two technologies; WiMAX, and WLAN is also simulated. MATLAB is the tool used for simulations. Antenna Specifications for WiMAX and WLAN is kept same for all simulation environments

    Promoting motivation towards community health care: A qualitative study from nurses in Pakistan

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    Based on the extensive health care needs of Pakistani population, the idea of Community Health Nursing was introduced in 1985. The educational nursing institutes adopted nursing curriculum in order to produce competent nurses to meet the rising demands of society. However, very few numbers of nurses choose community health nursing as their career pathway in Pakistan. Based on the current observation, enhancing motivation among graduate nurses has always been viewed as a great challenge for the academic nursing institutions. This study was intended to explore motivating and de motivating factors in nurses towards community Health Nursing. By utilizing self concept based model of motivation, semi structured interviews were conducted with newly graduated nurses, nurse educators and nursing students. The findings revealed that certain traits, values and competencies are required to motivate nurses as well as to build their capacity towards working effectively in the community setting. Moreover, through this study several realistic recommendations by the participants are highlighted that could foster motivation among future nurses towards this field

    Clinical, pathological and molecular factors predicting Axillary Node involvement in primary Breast Cancer in Pakistani women

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    Background: Axillary lymph node involvement in primary breast cancer is one of its most important prognostic features. Thus any factors that may predict axillary lymph node involvement in this setting could be potentially helpful in treatment planning and other interventions. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate clinical, pathological and immuno-histochemical markers in univariate and multivariate analysis, which may be helpful predictors of axillary lymph node involvement in breast cancer. Method: A retrospective analysis of 555 cases. Of these 58% had axillary nodal positivity and 42% were negative. Conclusion: Factors of no significance included patient’s age, height, weight, age of first pregnancy, parity, marital status, menopausal status, family history of breast cancer, side of tumor. In univariate analysis the age of menarche, duration of symptoms, tumor size, site in outer quadrant, S phase and skin and nipple involvement all predicted axillary nodal involvement. The length of breast-feeding, increased intraductal component and increased PCNA were inversely proportional to nodal involvement. In multiple regression analysis however only size of the tumor, involvement of the skin and nipple and disease in the outer quadrant of breast were the factors, which assumed significanc

    Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) as a Prognostic Marker: an Immunohistochemical Study on 315 Consecutive Breast Carcinoma Patients

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    Objective: To assess the independent and interdependent prognostic value of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in carcinoma of breast in female population. The Type I family of growth factor receptors includes epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR also known as EGFRI). Methods: The expression of EGFR protein was analysed immunohistochemically on 315 tumour specimens of infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. These patients also had axillary lymph nodes sampling. Results: Overexpression and/or amplification of EGFR was observed in 70 (22.00%) tumours. Eleven (16%) were grade I, 43 (61%) grade II and 16 (23%) grade Ill tumours. Axillary lymph node metastasis had significant correlation with intensified positivity of EGFR (p\u3c 0.05). Significant number of EGFR positive patients developed local recurrence and distant metastases to brain, liver and bone (p\u3c 0.05). EGFR positivity showed significant correlation with the disease free and overall survival (p\u3c 0.05). At a median follow-up of48 (4 years) months in EGFR positive patients, the overall survival was 3.39 years and disease free survival was 2.86 years. EGFR negative tumour patients showed a better survival. In this group the overall survival was 4.62 years and the disease free survival was 4 years. Conclusion: EGFR analysis can be a useful indicator for the selection of patients who are at the high risk, for hormonal therapy decisions and can be useful as a target for new treatment modalities

    Prevalent phenotypes and antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at an Indian tertiary care hospital: plasmid-mediated cefoxitin resistance

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    SummaryBackgroundThe β-lactam antibiotics, in combination with aminoglycosides, are among the most widely prescribed antibiotics. However, because of extensive and unnecessary use, resistance to these drugs continues to increase. In recent years, resistance in the Indian bacterial population has increased markedly, the majority showing complex mechanisms. Due to increased transcontinental movement of the human population, it would be wise to know the prevalence and resistance complexity of these strains, well in advance, in order to formulate a policy for empirical therapy.MethodsOne hundred and eighty-one isolates of Escherichia coli and 61 isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae obtained from 2655 non-repeat samples of pus (912) and urine (1743) were studied, and their resistance rates and patterns were noted. The isolates were analyzed for prevalent aminoglycoside and cephalosporin resistance phenotypes and for the presence of extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) and AmpC enzymes by spot-inoculation and modified three-dimensional tests developed in our laboratory. Fourteen isolates of E. coli and six of K. pneumoniae, resistant to all of the antibiotics tested, were selected for plasmid screening, curing, and transconjugation experiments, and for comparative evaluation of the double disk synergy test (DDST) and modified three-dimensional test (TDT) for detection of β-lactamases.ResultsUrinary E. coli isolates showed maximum susceptibility to amikacin (57.1%), followed by tobramycin (38.5%) and gentamicin (31.9%). Eighteen (19.8%) isolates were susceptible to cefotaxime, whereas 11 (12.1%) were susceptible to ceftriaxone. The K. pneumoniae isolates from urine samples showed maximum susceptibility to tobramycin (63.6%) followed by amikacin (54.5%). Of the K. pneumoniae isolates, 31.8% were susceptible to cefotaxime and 13.6% were susceptible to ceftriaxone. A more or less similar trend of antibiotic susceptibility was noted in E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates from pus samples. Twenty-six (14.4%) E. coli and 15 (24.6%) K. pneumoniae isolates were found to be ESBL-producers by NCCLS-ESBL phenotypic confirmatory test. Eighteen (9.9%) E. coli and 19 (31.1%) K. pneumoniae isolates were found to be AmpC enzyme-producers by our modified TDT. The simultaneous occurrence of ESBL and AmpC enzymes was noted in 7.7% and 9.8% isolates of E. coli and K. pneumoniae, respectively.ConclusionsThe prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacterial isolates is quite high in our bacterial population. On comparative evaluation of DDST and TDT in resistant isolates, TDT was found to be the better method, detecting ESBLs in 80% of isolates compared to 15% with DDST. A 19.9-kb plasmid was consistently present in all the screened isolates of E. coli and K. pneumoniae, and was inferred to encode cefoxitin and tetracycline resistance based on curing and transconjugation experiments

    Green synthesis of MNO nanoparticles using abutilon indicum leaf extract for biological, photocatalytic, and adsorption activities

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    We report the synthesis of MnO nanoparticles (AI-MnO NAPs) using biological molecules of Abutilon indicum leaf extract. Further, they were evaluated for antibacterial and cytotoxicity activity against different pathogenic microbes (Escherichia coli, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis) and HeLa cancerous cells. Synthesized NAPs were also investigated for photocatalytic dye degradation potential against methylene blue (MB), and adsorption activity against Cr(VI) was also determined. Results from Scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed the successful synthesis of NAPs with spherical morphology and crystalline nature. Biological activity results demonstrated that synthesized AI-MnO NAPs exhibited significant antibacterial and cytotoxicity propensities against pathogenic microbes and cancerous cells, respectively, compared with plant extract. Moreover, synthesized AI-MnO NAPs demonstrated the comparable biological activities results to standard drugs. These excellent biological activities results are attributed to the existence of the plant's biological molecules on their surfaces and small particle size (synergetic effect). Synthesized NAPs displayed better MB-photocatalyzing properties under sunlight than an ultraviolet lamp. The Cr(VI) adsorption result showed that synthesized NAPs efficiently adsorbed more Cr(VI) at higher acidic pH than at basic pH. Hence, the current findings suggest that Abutilon indicum is a valuable source for tailoring the potential of NAPs toward various enhanced biological, photocatalytic, and adsorption activities. Consequently, the plant's biological molecule-mediated synthesized AI-MnO NAPs could be excellent contenders for future therapeutic applications.Authors are very thankful to the Department of Chemistry, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Pakistan, for providing support to this research work. The author Saddam Akber Abbasi would like to acknowledge Qatar University for providing excellent research facilities.Scopu
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